The Reso Difference

Innovation with Insight

Reso is where expertise meets empathy. Crafted by seasoned experts and tailored for success, we strike a unique balance between cutting-edge technology and human-centric solutions.

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A Message from Our CEO

Personal Commitment to Revolutionizing ADR

Dear Friends and Partners,

As a team of operators and technologists, supported by industry experts, we have invested thousands of hours to truly understand the pain points experienced by neutrals in the ADR industry and the inadequacies of existing tools. We recognize that the landscape is filled with various solutions catering to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) market, but we founded Reso with a commitment to being more than just a software provider. We are here to listen to you, build with you, and be a collaborative partner in the truest sense. By forging a partnership with Reso, you're not just gaining access to a powerful case management tool; you're gaining a team of professionals who are deeply invested in ensuring your success.

Neutrals have been transparent in telling us that legacy platforms lack the robustness required to handle the intricacies of modern dispute resolution processes. On the other end of the spectrum, newer solutions attempt to revolutionize ADR through the sheer and brute-force application of technology. At Reso, we recognize the potential of instruments such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs), however, we are cognizant that the overuse of such tools risks oversimplification. Attempting to solve complex issues by merely throwing technology at them without a deep understanding of the intricacies involved does not work. Our team has found the appropriate balance in opportunistically implementing secure and cutting-edge technologies and stand firm in steering away from a one-size-fits-all approach. We firmly believe that successful ADR requires more than just software; it demands a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges faced by neutrals.

Above all, we believe that the most effective solutions should be accessible without breaking the bank. We prioritize providing our software at a reasonable cost, ensuring that the power of Reso's capabilities is within reach for a broad spectrum of professionals. Our dedication to affordability does not compromise the quality of our service; it underscores our commitment to democratizing access to advanced tools for neutrals, making Reso the intelligent and cost-effective choice for your case management needs.


Säm Bagheri

Co-Founder | CEO


Our Philosophy

Crafting Solutions, Celebrating Success

At Reso, we are driven by three core principles:


Our team is composed of technologists and industry veterans who bring a wealth of knowledge and a nuanced understanding of ADR to the table.


We leverage the latest in AI and technology to offer solutions that are not just advanced but also balanced and intuitive.


Your success is our mission. We’re here to listen, adapt, and grow with you, ensuring that the solutions we offer meet your evolving needs.

Why Reso?

Reso: Where Expertise and Technology Converge

Reso stands apart by offering:

Tailored Solutions

Out platform is built to adapt to your unique needs, ensuring you have the tools to succeed in any dispute resolution scenario.

Balanced Technology

We prioritize the ethical and judicious use of AI, ensuring our solutions enhance your work without oversimplification.

Affordable Excellence

High-quality ADR tools should be accessible to all. We are committed to providing our software at a cost that makes sense for your case management.

ADR Simplified

A platform that eliminates the time-consuming, expensive, and biased nature of traditional solutions.